
According to Mr. West, This is Where all the Bad B*tches Go…

On the opposite end of the spectrum from free exercise, there is Equinox! Equinox is a new kind of fitness center, which they refer to as a club (definitely an upgrade from the traditional gym!). And, yes, Kanye has even referenced it in his most recent album.


For those of you who have never entered an Equinox, let me paint you a picture…. Imagine you step into a high end luxury hotel. As you step inside the stylishly decorated lobby the crisp smell of  fresh fruit hits you along with the whirring sound of a blender. Obviously that is just the smoothie bar, which can be found in most clubs. In additions to smoothies, you can find Kiel’s luxury products in the bathrooms, an array of services on the spa list, and top notch fitness gear in their boutique shop. Let’s be clear, this is no ordinary gym!


Of course they also have workout equipment, many many different class choices, and personal trainers (which are referred to as coaches). But unlike the usual gym, every aspect of Equinox is specifically designed to give you the ultimate luxury experience. They have found a way to make working out a stylish community experience, that could even be described as an exclusive club.


Hello World

The other day I arrived back to the district from vacation and thought for a minute. Being a DC resident for some time now I have come to notice that we as DCist’s seem to go home to get our haircut if at all possible. Even if it may be Maryland.

I thought to myself that this is a NEED we must bring the bread to the people!

I am embarking on a journey throughout the semester to find the best place to get a signature cut.

I hope to visit barbers for both men and women around the district and get a feel for what their clients are like, what they expect from the hair cut, and how it actually turns out.

I do not know very much about hair but then again how much do you know about hair?

Let the journey begin!