#Run #Capitalcrescenttrail #nationalzoo #smithsonian #nationalmall #DC #Exercise

Why Pay to Exercise, When You Can Run for FREE?!?

Washington, D.C. has LOTS of fitness classes, boutique studios, and exercise options, but before we talk about those, I would like to point out the obvious… D.C. is BEAUTIFUL and has SO MANY FREE places to stretch your legs! Whether you’re training for an IronMan, marathon, half marathon, 5k, or just want to make it up a flight of stairs without dying, there are so many trails to take advantage of!

For the nature lover: if you follow the Georgetown Waterfront towards Key Bridge, you will run right into Capital Crescent Trail! This trail spans 11 miles, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to squeeze in some cardio or burn off an entire chipotle burrito plus guac- you are all set.


If 11 miles of beautiful waterfront isn’t for you, perhaps PANDAS (!!!) are more your speed. They may not seem related to running (I know, because pandas are my lazy spirit animal), but if you want to see pandas and other fun (but arguably less fun) animals while running, then Rock Creek Park is for you! This awesome route will take you from the Georgetown Four Seasons, all the way to the Smithsonian National Zoo, where you can take a breather with Ambika the Elephant.

(Side Note: great opportunity to listen to Kanye’s remix of Panda, while seeing actual pandas! #OnlyAtGW?)

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And of course, what would a DC running guide be if it didn’t include the National Mall?!? Whether you’re going for a short jog to the Lincoln, cruising over to the White House to wave to the Obamas, or grinding up Capitol Hill to check out the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress, this route provides ample distractions to spice up your daily run!
